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Year 1

St Francis of Assisi … Pray for Us

In year 1, the children learn about St Francis of Assisi.
Saint Francis was a Saint who lived in Italy. He is the patron saint of animals, merchants and ecology. He is a very special saint for our Pope, who was inspired by him and his good works.

Feast Day – 4th October

Welcome to Year 1! We are looking forward to getting to know you and working together so that we have a very exciting and productive year. We hope that you enjoy the new challenges and approaches to learning that Year 1 has to offer!

The class have two teachers: Mrs Thomas (Monday, Tuesday and Friday) and Miss Wright (Wednesday and Thursday) Mrs Sharrock is our class Teaching Assistant.

Transition from Reception to Year 1

Our aim is to ensure that the children experience a smooth transition from the Foundation Stage to Key Stage One; this is especially important this year following the long break in learning due to lockdown. The Year 1 curriculum builds upon and extends the experiences that children have had in Reception. Year 1 takes a more formal approach to learning but there are still opportunities to learn through play. We are focused on nurturing a happy class who are motivated, enthused and eager learners.

Reading in Year 1

Reading continues to be a key area of development in Year 1. Each child will take home two reading scheme books with a reading contact book for parents to comment and sign when they have heard their child read. Please listen to your child read as often as you can, every day is ideal even if it is just for five minutes. Comprehension skills are very important so encourage your child to discuss the books at length. The children will select a library book weekly. We welcome all opportunities to read a range of home and school books.

General Reminders…

The children will be doing PE every Monday. Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school and that all items are clearly labelled (including school uniform as this is easily mixed up in these lessons.) We encourage children to practise getting dressed at home to help them get changed quickly in school. Remember to remove earrings for this lesson too.

The children have access throughout the day to their water bottles. Please make sure your child’s name is written clearly on their water bottles. These should be school water bottles only.