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Rule of Law

We agree class rules.

We follow school rules.

We follow playground rules.

Rules apply to everyone in our school.

We have our Mission Statement.

We are kind to each other.

We get stickers, raffle tickets, certificates and castle points.

We wear a uniform.

We have duties and responsibilities.


We write class rules together.

We choose our Eco-warriors and members of the School Council.

Votes are fair in class.

We carry out monitor roles in class and prefect duties around the school.

We fill in surveys.

We choose which clubs to join.

Individual liberty and respect

We can play football and our own games on the playground.

We can choose who to play with.

We can let others play our games.

We show good manners.

We listen to each other and to adults.

We take part in Mini Youth Games and show respect for other teams.

People comment on our good behaviour on trips and when they come to our school.

We take care of our school grounds.

We grow our own vegetables and use our water butts to water – respecting the planet.

All rewards and sanctions are fair.

We respect each other’s choices.

Tolerance of those with different beliefs

We are nice to each other.

We learn about Judaism and Yr 3 visit a synagogue.

We learn about other religions such as Islam and Sikhism during RE.

We welcome others to our school such as visitors and new children.