Welcome to year 4
St Cecilia… Pray for Us
Feast Day – 22nd November
In year 4, the children learn about St Cecilia.
St. Cecilia is considered the patron saint of music. It is thought that she sang in her heart during her wedding, asking Jesus to be able to keep her special gift for him.
Teaching assistant - Mrs Harris
In Year 4, the children are settled securely into the styles and routines of Junior School life. They should now be able to pack their own bags, do their laces and remove their own earrings.
Literacy and Mathematics play a vital role in our School day. In Year 4, we now sit a Statutory Multiplication Check (MTC) during the Summer term. By the end of the year, each child is expected to know their tables up to 12x12. We work hard to learn our multiplication facts up to 12 x 12 by heart, so please continue to support us with regular practise at home. There are links on this page to Times Tables Rock Stars as well as other sites we have been using to practise online.
Useful websites:
Year 4 Multiplication check
Good readers make for good writers. It is important that we support the children in becoming resilient learners who read for pleasure. Regular reading is essential in Year 4 so we ask for the children to be read with as much as possible at home. We recommend that all children - even confident readers who prefer to read to themselves, are heard reading aloud daily.
As well as practising the Year 3 and 4 Statutory Spellings and completing Spelling Sentences as part of our weekly homework, we investigate the Year 4 spelling curriculum using a variety of resources and strategies including the Spelling Shed- which you can access at home too. Your child will be sent home with a new spellings grid at the start of each week.
Useful websites: