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Welcome to Year Three!

St Therese of Lisieux… Pray for Us

Feast Day – 1st October

In year 3, the children learn about St Therese of Lisieux.

In Story of a Soul, she tells of how she prepared a spiritual bouquet for Jesus on the occasion of her First Communion:

“It is true I had been thinking about my First Communion for a long time, but, as your precious manuscript told me, I must stir up in my heart fresh transports of love and fill it anew with flowers. So, each day I made a number of little sacrifices and acts of love, which were to be changed into so many flowers: now violets, another time roses, then cornflowers, daisies, or forget-me-nots—in a word, all nature’s blossoms were to form in me a cradle for the Holy Child.”

Our class teacher is Miss Davidson

Our Teaching assistant is Mrs Clark 

This term we have P.E on Tuesday and Thursdays. 

In Year Three we continue with times tables tests and introduce French lessons, singing, class recorder sessions, outdoor games and swimming after the February half term. What an exciting year to look forward to!

As always, ‘doing our best ‘and working hard are of utmost importance but combined with lots of fun and new activities it shouldn’t feel too much like hard work!