Class teacher: Miss Sherridan
Teaching assistant: Mrs Briggs
Year 5 is a very important year for all pupils as it tends to be the last of the teaching years, in the sense that Year 6 is a year for revision and consolidation of what has been previously taught in preparation for the end of Key Stage 2 SATs. In addition, Year 5 has also taken on a greater importance in recent years due to the changes to the secondary selection procedures, with the Medway Test taking place at the beginning of Year 6.
In English this year, we will be writing a range of different texts, using as many different skills as we can to showcase our learning. We will be learning some new skillsets, whilst also making others more concrete.
Our Maths this year will be focused around consolidating our understanding of key Mathematical concepts. Having secure times tables and number knowledge is a pivotal part of our learning. Remember to keep practicing your times tables.
Throughout our curriculum this year, we will be setting off on many different adventures, from going to Outer Space to stepping back in time to see the Ancient Greeks and Mayans (alongside rushing along rivers and climbing marvellous mountains). We will be developing our knowledge of many different subjects and skills as our educational journey progresses!
As part of the Upper School, we are a strong benchmark for the rest of the school in terms of uniform and behaviour and, as such, standards and expectations are high and vigorously reinforced. Towards the end of the Summer Term, Year 5 take over some of the prefect duties from Year 6, as a preparation for their transfer to the top of the school.
Please record your child’s reading in their Reading Record books that come home daily.