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The Pupil Premium is additional funding given to schools so that they can support their disadvantaged pupils and close the attainment gap between them and their peers.

2024/25 Pupil Premium 

The Pupil Premium Grant is additional to main school funding and it is used by our school to address any underlying inequalities between children eligible by ensuring that funding reaches the pupils who most need it.

Total amount of pupil premium allocated for this year is £31,080.

Barriers to learning include that we are working hard to overcome include the emotional, social and well-being of pupils including those with special education needs and pupils not making the expected progress or the same progress as their peers. 

At St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School the 2024/25 pupil premium will be allocated to interventions and provisions in:

• 1:1 tuition targeted children.
• Booster/intervention groups
• Emotional support for some children.
• SEND support, such as sensory group work, fine motor skills, speech and language development etc.
• Support purchasing school uniforms, paying for school trips etc.
• Extra support at lunchtimes for children with social and emotional issues..
• Classroom resources.

The impact of pupil premium funding is monitored and evaluated against pupil attainment and progress 3 times per year. The SLT meet with class teachers to track pupil progress and the impact of interventions on targeted pupils.

COVID-19 Catch-Up Funding

Please click the link below to view our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement